Bargaining for the Common Good

Unions and community groups are going on the offense to fight for the common good.

Join the Movement

Stay up to date on the Bargaining for the Common Good Movement.

Leading the Way

Labor and community leaders are growing the Bargaining for the Common Good network by driving innovative campaigns in local communities across the country.

Host a BCG Training or Strategy Session

Are you interested in building a common good campaign in your own area? Build the skills and strategies to form transformative partnerships between labor and community organizations and fight for just, sustainable future.

Community and union members partner around a long-term vision for the structural changes they want to see in their communities and use union bargaining as a critical moment in a broader campaign to win that change.

Network Updates

We’ve Got News! Update on BCG/ACRE Merger

We’ve Got News! Update on BCG/ACRE Merger

we are excited to announce that BCG is merging with the Action Center on Race and the Economy, a national organization with years of experience building corporate campaigns with an explicit racial lens. Through this merger, we will add much-needed capacity to strengthen and expand the Bargaining for the Common Good network.