We are so excited to release the application for the Bargaining for the Common Good Climate and Environmental Justice gathering! The goal of this convening is to bring labor and community activists together to build stronger partnerships and collective power to respond to our climate change crisis, eliminate the ongoing environmental harms that frontline communities have suffered from the extractive economy, and ensure everyone has access to a safe and healthy workplace. For more on bargaining for climate and environmental justice, check out this article in The American Prospect.
The convening will begin the morning of March 31st into April 1 with optional events beginning the evening of March 30.
This link will take you to the Google form to fill out the application for the convening.
In line with previous BCG convenings, we plan to use a regional cohort model at the climate and environmental justice convening. Cohorts bring together labor organizations and community groups from a particular geography to work together on designing local or state Bargaining for the Common Good campaigns.
- It is essential that each organization have an idea of which local groups they would like to partner with in a cohort. If you are unsure of who you will partner with, please contact Erika (erika@acrecampaigns.org) prior to filling out the application.
- The application is designed to be filled out at an organizational level, one application per organization. Multiple individuals can attend from a single organization but we ask that only one application be filled out for each organization.
- Upon filling out the organizational application, you will receive a follow up form to be filled out by each individual attending on behalf of your organization and a link to book rooms in the Kellogg Center. This form will collect important logistical and registration details for each individual.
- The application deadline is February 10th and the individual registration forms will be due one week later, February 17th. Rooms in the Kellogg Conference Center must be purchased by March 1st and financial aid requests must be made before this date.
The cost of registration is $250 per person to help offset a portion of the costs associated with the event. If your organization would like financial assistance with the fee, travel, or lodging costs associated with the convening, please contact Erika (erika@acrecampaigns.org) and Lily (lfr26@georgetown.edu) ASAP. We have limited scholarships to offer organizations in need. Please submit financial aid requests as soon as possible we can allocate funding accordingly.
Please do not hesitate to contact Erika (erika@acrecampaigns.org) with questions related to convening content, building a cohort, or attending the gathering or Lily (lfr26@georgetown.edu) with logistical questions. Looking forward to seeing you later this Spring.