Workers’ pension funds, like so many aspects of our society, have become captives of Wall Street. Pension funds were created through struggle by workers, but the financial sector has figured out a way to exercise outsized control of those funds to serve their interests. This is the reality today—but workers and communities have an opportunity to align around their shared interest in thriving communities and to steer where their money goes: affordable healthcare, housing, and education; just and sustainable environmental policies; and so much more. Read more at the Nonprofit Quarterly
Want to get involved? Here’s how:
- Share this email with your members, network, and allies.
- Check out our toolkit and share on social media.
- Plan a strategy session with Bargaining for the Common Good. Reach out to Sandra Lane (Sandra.lane[at]rutgers[dot]edu) with any questions and for information on how to plan a training.
For all other inquiries, contact bargainingforthecommongood[at]gmail[dot]com
Featured Image: “No Soul to Sell” by Yvonne Coleman Burney/www.artbyycolemanburney.com