The BCG network is excited to welcome two new members to the BCG Advisory Committee. Veronica Mendez Moore of CTUL and Greg Nammacher of SEIU 26 are part of an exciting BCG campaign in the Twin Cities. Read their biographies below.

Veronica Mendez Moore
Co-Director, Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en Lucha
Minneapolis, MN
Veronica is a Co-Director at Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en la Lucha (CTUL), a Workers Center in Minneapolis. For over eight years, she has organized and developed leadership with low-wage workers to fight for fair wages and working conditions in industries across the Twin Cities. CTUL plays a crucial role in the labor movement, creating innovative models of organizing. Most recently, CTUL organized retail janitors across the Minneapolis metro area, resulting in Target implementing a Responsible Contractor Policy with its cleaning contractors, as well as industry-wide wage increases. This policy is the first of its kind in this industry nationwide and ensures organizing rights for janitors who clean Target. Workers continue to sit at the table with Target, and have partnered to win earned sick and safe time in Minneapolis. Before that, Veronica organized with hotel workers with the Hotel Employees Restaurant Employees Union (HERE) in Chicago. Photo.
Greg Nammacher
President, SEIU 26
Minneapolis, MN
Greg is President of SEIU Local 26, a union of 8000 janitorial, security, airport and other property services workers in the Twin Cities, Minnesota. He has organized in churches, on campus, in communities and in worksites since 1996, and led workers on dozens of strikes, including the most recent strikes to win green cleaning education funds for janitors, and a new high rise window cleaner safety Apprenticeship. His work focuses on looking for new ways to bring different elements of the community, and sectors of workers together in deeper alignment than traditional coalitions. Photo.